
Inclusive Social Welfare & Empowerment Foundation Referral

How we become involved in family

We can receive information (referrals) from other professionals and the public if they are concerned that a child or women is being harmed or at risk of being harmed. InclusiveSWEF then have a duty by law to investigate the situation or circumstances that have led to the referral. We will: complete an assessment investigation in partnership with the police and talk to the victims, family members and visit the family home. Contact all agencies and family that are directly involved with the victims and ask them for information. In some situations involve the police who also have a duty to investigate circumstances where it is believed a victim has been harmed There are a number of categories of harm that we investigate and these can include physical, emotional or sexual abuse and/ or neglect. These categories include children witnessing domestic violence.

Make a referral or ask for support

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